Your Presence is Present Enough relies on an invisible virtual controller to move Rory around. Most players were able to quickly adapt to the controls during testing, however several players would attempt to tap on the screen and become confused when they did not receive a response. Along with providing a small tutorial interaction at the beginning of the game, visual and audio feedback was utilized to incentivize players to learn the controls. When players tap on the screen a small particle burst displays along with a hit sound. If a player taps and holds, an animated four directional arrow displays.
Each house in the game was designed with a unique look, and specific decorations related to the theme of the character who lives there. This allowed us to show more personality visually, and made it easier for players to quickly identify where they were located.
While most of Your Presence is Present Enough takes place in a virtual world, the game starts outside of this artificial environment. To help players visually identify the difference between the two, a post-processing layer was added which obfuscates the graphics to look more digital. To further push this visual direction, a low-resolution transition was applied when the players enters and leaves the virtual world.

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